The Confrontation Project
Bridge the Gap
The Confrontation Trailer
The Confrontation Project
The Confrontation Project, is a film presented by pro-police and pro-BLM individuals. The goal is to engage in honest and unrestricted discussions about the issues at hand, without concerns of being negatively labeled, offending each other or violently attacked.
There are no taboos in the Confrontation. It is raw and compelling.
This film, featuring dialogue completely in rhyme, explores the relationship between African
American communities and Law Enforcement. It examines many hypocrisies and underlying creeds that drive behavior on both sides. It also challenges self-defeating mindsets which perpetuate conflict and undermine higher aspirations.
Characters include: Two African American males; One white police officer and one black police officer.
The setting is on-location in Portland, Oregon.
Our Mission
Get Involved
Our mission is to present the facts as conveyed to us from members of law enforcement and African American communities.
We are sure this film will stimulate authentic conversations about the sources of this conflict and the dysfunctional norms that animate it.
We hope that this innovative film will facilitate meaningful change.
This issue affects each of our lives, both from quality and safety standpoints. Please donate if you are able. We appreciate your contribution.